
Not much big news, I guess after you get married everything else seems less exciting by comparison. We started back to work, and school, this week Monday afternoon. It is a bit abrupt but we agree that taking a delayed honeymoon is better because if we had taken it immediately following the first three days would have been spent sleeping! I cannot believe how tired we both were over the weekend and even into the week.

The majority of things are put away now and thank yous are getting started, we have so many thoughtful friends and family!

The next project is to paint the apartment, and I cannot wait to get started. We may not be here that long but we need to make it home as much as possible. We have a great landlord who encourages personalization. I want to get it done before Thanksgiving.

P.S. if anyone needs M&Ms just let us know we still have another bag full and Josh cant eat that many that fast... or at least i wont let him try.

1 comment:

suzyb said...

hello there mr and mrs wilson. just checking in on the blog.
we ought to try a phone call soon.