
Almost another month since the last post but it certainly doesn't feel like it! Summer has finally come after a very short, wet, and unusually cold spring. Our flowers are blooming and growing like crazy on the patio and we enjoy watching the sunsets when we can.

A lot of rain has fallen lately and we even had to make survival preparations last night when the sirens went off during a severe thunderstorm. Several tornados have spawned in the state lately, many nearby. Luckily our number wasnt drawn last night.

In other news, Josh got an internship! It starts next week with the Meyocks Group (meeks) in West Des Moines. He will be assisting the web designer with various duties, that is all we know right now. He will be there about 20 hours a week and also continue at Barnes & Noble.

Sarah is working towards a promotion from "retirement investor specialist I" to "retirement investor specialist II". A subtle difference but the promotion means she has mastered her job at the current level and can train for new positions. Also, the pay is higher.

Our good friend adam is coming soon, and we are really looking forward to that. The last week of May included visits from friends we haven't seen since before we moved to Des Moines. We also went to see A Silver Mt. Zion Orchestra and the tra -la - la band (their whole name) in concert right here.

It was nice to travel only 10 minutes to see a favorite band. Hopefully more will come this way soon.

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